Dolfin in space with Cool Sense
Space Sorbet
The Dolfin Cool Sense Sorbet was the star of the "space dinner" of June 22 on the orbiting space station in which, as part of the Volare Mission, Luca Parmitano, the first Italian astronaut in space, has been involved since May 2013.
In an extraordinary digital photo issued by NASA - shared by Parmitano on Twitter and Facebook - you can see the four astronauts floating in their spacecraft, fully enjoying their lemon and red fruit Cool Sense sorbets. Altec, an Italian engineering services and logistics company for space missions, was responsible for organising the singular dinner and choosing Dolfin sorbets.
The photo has also used by prestigious journals and magazines (such as the Italian monthly magazine FOCUS) for services dedicated to "space food" that must meet certain dietary and calorie requirements. Like our Cool Sense sorbet: zero fats and few calories.
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